It is possible to manage Positive Time Management processes with SAP Fiori. Using the SAP Standard time management infrastructure, we systematically spread the concept of Time Management to the entire company with user-friendly Fiori screens.
Overtime following, overtime reason following, overtime planning, service and meal plans can be followed from our service. Responsible personnel in your business can easily correct errors such as incomplete card printing in Time Management. While performing Shift Planning, you can perform Positive Score Processes entirely through Fiori.
For detailed information and to benefit from our service, you can contact us via the link.
For more detailed information about Positive Time Management, you can visit the link below.
Periodical Overtime Comparison Application Onepager
The Overtime Reason Comparison OnePager
Overtime Approval Application OnePager
General View to Working Time OnePager
Shift Planning OnePager
The Event Editing OnePager

Shift Planning Solution
With The Shift Planning programme, we provide an environment where production planning and shift managers can make shift plannings.
We make shift plans according to posts and groups by including the principals in the time management process.
We easily transfer the necessary personnel and his/her working hour information to the responsible officials. We clearly show your planned workforce and current workforce loss to your company. You can easily get the shift list from the system.
The Overtime Process Management Solution
Overtime is approved or rejected with the desired workflow. Planned and unplanned overtimes are reported. Overtime is followed by our service according to the reasons.
The Event Editing Solution
The harmony between the card movements of the personnel and their shifts is shown visually. The actions that need to be corrected, such as incorrect card printing are easily dispatched to be arranged by the principals. You can easily access the card transactions of all your personnel here.